Coventry is actively pursuing a wide range of partnerships with
three broad types of organizations:

  1. Research and Development Partners
    • Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
    • Hospitals/Medical Centers
    • University Research Centers

  2. Distribution Partners

  3. Equipment and Supply Partners


Become A Coventry Partner!


Coventry believes that forming partnerships is a critical pathway for the commercialization of its research and development findings. If interested in assisting in R&D, distribution, or general market acceptance of Coventry products or services, please contact us.

Our current proprietary accomplishments provide many partnership opportunities.
These accomplishments include:

  • Preserve saliva significantly longer than samples can currently be held
    or stored for diagnoses
  • Determine a resistance indication to 5-FU using saliva or urine samples
  • Determine the use of over fifty illegal and/or therapeutic drugs via
    single saliva or urine samples
  • Determine the level of lead toxicity using saliva or urine samples.
“If any of these capabilities look interesting to your organization,
or if you just want to explore partnership opportunities, call me!”

Thomas L. McCormick



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